Kibo - meaning and definition. What is Kibo
Online Dictionary

What (who) is Kibo - definition

KIBO; Kibō; Kibo (disambiguation)

/ki:'boh/ 1. [acronym] Knowledge In, Bullshit Out. A summary of what happens whenever valid data is passed through an organisation (or person) that deliberately or accidentally disregards or ignores its significance. Consider, for example, what an advertising campaign can do with a product's actual specifications. Compare GIGO; see also {SNAFU principle}. 2. James Parry <>, a Usenetter infamous for various surrealist net.pranks and an uncanny, machine-assisted knack for joining any thread in which his nom de guerre is mentioned. [Jargon File] (2003-05-20)
Kibō (ISS module)         
  • The JEM being manufactured
  • Experiment logistics module, pressurized section
  • Exposed facility
  • Interior of the pressurized module
  • Looking forward at ''Kibō''
  • Looking alongside
  • website=NASA}}</ref>
Kibō laboratory; Kibo laboratory; Kibo module; Japanese Remote Manipulator System; きぼう; Japanese Pressurised Module; JEM-PM; Kibo Experiment Module; Japanese Experiment Module; Japanese Experimental Module; Kibo (ISS module)
The Japanese Experiment Module (JEM), nicknamed , is a Japanese science module for the International Space Station (ISS) developed by JAXA. It is the largest single ISS module, and is attached to the Harmony module.
Kiboze; Kibology; Kibologist; Kibonia; Alt.religion.kibology; Kibozo; James "Kibo" Parry; Kibologists; Interröbang Cartel; Interrobang Cartel; Interroebang Cartel; Kibo (Usenet); Parry, James
[Usenet] To grep the Usenet news for a string, especially with the intention of posting a follow-up. This activity was popularised by Kibo.



Kibo may refer to:

  • Kibō (ISS module), Japanese Experiment Module (JEM), component of the International Space Station
  • Kibo, a volcanic cone forming the main summit of Mount Kilimanjaro
  • An alias of James Parry, who as "Kibo" became a cult figure on Usenet in the early 1990s for posting numerous humorous messages
  • Kibo (spider), a genus of jumping spiders
  • Kibō no Tō, a political party in Japan
  • Board game record
Examples of use of Kibo
1. "It‘s the first step for our Kibo construction," he said.
2. Endeavour also delivered the first segment of Japan‘s Kibo lab, a 14–foot–long storage compartment.
3. Later in the day, Mission Control informed Kelly that Kibo was looking more like a lab.
4. Preliminary design work for Kibo (pronounced KEE‘–boh) began in 1''0.
5. That‘s when full–scale science operations are expected to begin inside Kibo.